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Feast Your Eyes on the Teaser Poster for Star Wars: The Last Jedi


Feast Your Eyes on the Teaser Poster for Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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Feast Your Eyes on the Teaser Poster for Star Wars: The Last Jedi


Published on April 14, 2017


There was a brief moment during Star Wars Celebration where we thought that the “big surprise” was the teaser poster. Of course Rian Johnson delivered with the first teaser trailer, but the poster is pretty badass, too.

Lookit our girl Rey killin’ it in a wonderfully homage-y poster with some very significant imagery of a blue lightsaber turning red (and in the shape of Kylo Ren’s sword, no less). The poster in full:

Star Wars: The Last Jedi teaser poster


The Last Jedi panel, hosted by Josh Gad, also revealed a bunch of new stills and behind-the-scenes images. Check them out below, plus tidbits from the panel!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos Carrie Fisher General Leia

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos Carrie Fisher General Leia

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos Carrie Fisher General Leia

“Carrie [Fisher] is remarkable in the movie,” said Kathleen Kennedy. “What Rian wrote, and the performance she ends up giving… I think you are gonna find that an amazing tribute to her talent.”

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos Rey

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos Rey

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos

After all of Josh Gad’s hounding, Daisy Ridley could finally spill: “What I can say is, in The Last Jedi we go deeper into Rey’s story, and what is very apparent from where we left off in The Force Awakens and where we begin is that Rey has a certain expectation as to what she might be getting from Luke and what that might entail, and as a lot of people know, it’s difficult when you meet your heroes, because it might not be what you expect.”

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos

When asked if Finn were still recuperating in a bacta tank, John Boyega said, “He’s in recovery, but he will be back in The Last Jedi. And he’s not playin’ this time.”

Also, Finn is just straight-up wearing all of Poe’s clothes now. But will our favorite pilot and former Stormtrooper share screen time? “Absolutely. Poe is my boy. There’s always a new adventure for us to go on.”

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos Poe Oscar Isaac

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos Rose Kelly Marie Tran

One of the newest members of the cast is Kelly Marie Tran, playing Rose: “She’s part of the Resistance, and she works in maintenance, and I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos

Star Wars: The Last Jedi photos

Star Wars: The Last Jedi comes to theaters December 15, 2017.

About the Author

Stubby the Rocket


Learn More About Stubby
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7 years ago

The stills are amazing…Carrie looks amazing…bwaaah.

Honestly, I don’t love the poster though – the symbolism is really cool (with the red/blue saber and the mash up of Luke/Kylo’s face and all that) but the colors are a little too clash-y and I’m not sure I’m a fan of the photorealism. I don’t know – can’t put my finger on it.

7 years ago

@1 Well, as my father always says “That’s what makes horse races” … I really like the poster — I like the heavily saturated colors and the nostalgic reference to the original 1977 poster with Rey’s pose (though fortunately without sexy Leia and sexy Luke and retrospective incest).  I agree with you about Luke/Kylo’s faces though, I think it would be better with just Rey.

7 years ago

The stills are all wonderful. But what got me was the poster. In this day and age, when merchandising elements tend to be excessively extravagant and full of horror vacui, it feels almost risky to see such a simple, yet tremendously powerful, image as the first poster for such a giant tentpole. December, please please please be here now! 

7 years ago

I looked at this poster and randomly thought of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time. Just figured out that this is because Rey reaching for light saber in the poster looks similar to Rand reaching for Callandor on cover of The Dragon Reborn

7 years ago

I love the poster, and of all the behind-the-scenes photos they shared on the panel, my favorite one was the Anthony Daniels picture that Tor didn’t include in this article. Also, looking forward to see Rose in action.